Welcome to the Shazie in Stitches website/blog,  I was The Commission Stitcher, I no longer commission stitch for the magazine but I am available.

At Shazie in Stitches, you will see updates on my stitching progress, old photo’s of my commission stitching and anything else I might feel is useful for other stitchers.

I also have a shop for my Printable Cross Stitch PDF Journals. Please take a moment to have a browse.

About Me

My name is Shazie,

I live near Manchester in the UK.

I have been cross stitching for 30 years. I used to model stitch for the UK Cross Stitch Magazines from 2012 to 2020.

I have several hobbies in my life, cross stitching being one of them but I now have another hobby (since 2022) which is making miniature food and other miniature pieces out of polymer clay.

I adore cats, my family are my furbabies. I love them to bits and they keep me going through the ups and downs of life.

I am also a flosstuber on YouTube.

To watch my flosstube videos, then head over to Shazie in Stitches, don’t forget to like and subscribe, hit the notification buttom to get an email when I upload a new video.

If you are an avid cross stitcher, then check out flosstube, there are 1000’s of us who make great videos to show our work.

Please make sure you subscribe to Shazie in Stitches, the subscribe box is in the sidebar, so you get my blog posts/shop updates directly into your inbox.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Happy stitching everyone,

Shazie x